Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Allergy drainage is getting to me. Very little sleep last night. I'm a zombie. Nieces headed this direction, festival this weekend, then headed to mom & dad's- all things I've really been looking forward to and I feel like a gunked up slug. I don't want to get off this chair. I really don't want to go swap laundry. I really, really don't want to drag some of it outside to the line. I don't much want to go upstairs and work on the Pit and piles of stuff up there either. Ugh. I do have a contact to call about a jewelry show and I'm excited about that, but that's about the level of my excitement today. Thankfully after more than a week in school work under their belts, the kids can autopilot some lessons- B most of hers and Tyler a few of his- so we don't blow a whole day this early in the game. At least Tyler will bring me his work to check, get direction for the next task, and then go back to work w/o me standing over him. Thank goodness.
Another round of allergy and sinus meds coming up- whew. I think I need a nap.

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